French-speaking music Francophone music



2010 edition of Pacifique en chanson: the winners

2 June 2010
Sylvie Painchaud and Pascale Goodrich-Blackdeux have won the two main awards during the 2010 edition of Pacifique en chanson. She received respectively the prix Pacifique en chanson and prix Marie Woolridge. Both will get the chance to represent Yukon and British-Columbia during Chant’Ouest 2010, the inter-provincial singer-songwriter contest, which will take place on September 23rd in Winnipeg.

Pacifique en chanson took place on Friday 28 May 2010 in The Auditorium Jules-Verne (Vancouver - British-Colombia). The four finalists, selected in February, were: Ingrid Rondel, Les Jam’n’tonics, Pascale Goodrich-Black and Sylvie Painchaud.

The others awards of 2010 Pacifique en chanson

Press award
-  Les Jam’n’tonics

Best Song writing Award
-  «Centre-ville» from Sylvie Painchaud

Public choice award
-  Sylvie Painchaud

Honorable mention
-  Ingrid Rondel

Pacifique en chanson presentation

Pacifique en chanson is a unique springboard giving opportunities to British-Columbian and Yukon artists to make their first step into the world of Francophone popular music. The following step will be for two candidates to participate in Chant’Ouest, the inter-provincial (Alberta, British-Columbia, Manitoba and Saskatchewan) music contest: the two winners of Chant’Ouest getting access to the prestigious International song contest of Granby. For many years, Pacifique en chanson has been contributing to the local blooming of the francophone culture.

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